It’s All About You!
Do you have a desire to experience more of the world but would prefer to travel in the company of others? We specialize in women traveling together to destinations around the world. Femscape Sojourns offers you the opportunity to explore new countries and new cultures without the worries of planning the trip or traveling alone. We offer small group trips of four to twelve women, where we introduce you to our favorite countries and take the 'what ifs' out of travel by planning every detail of the trip so that you can just soak it all in and enjoy. After a trip with us, you will feel inspired and relaxed. You will return with renewed gratitude for your life and insight into and appreciation for another culture. What excuses are you using not to explore the world? Come and join us for an adventure while getting to know other women.

The many benefits you gain when traveling with Femscape Sojourns include:
Connecting with women globally.
Meeting local women who are making a difference in their community.
Forming strong bonds with other women.
Creating lifelong friendships with your fellow travelers.
Taking the time to reconnect with yourself.
Reevaluating your path in life.
Spending time alone.
Experiencing another culture.
Gaining a new perspective about another culture.
Participating in group activities.
Wandering through small towns and villages.
Lying on a beach and soaking up the rays of the sun.
Partaking in optional experiences.
Digitally detoxing.
Forgetting about the demands of work.
Experiencing new and exotic foods.
Absorbing the culture.
Seeing unparalleled beauty.
Returning refreshed.
Reflecting on your accomplishments and the opportunities you’ve been fortunate enough to experience.