Women Supporting Women

Femscape Sojourns is a social enterprise that invests in women. The company serves as a vehicle for positive social impact by connecting women with other women around the world through impactful travel. The trips that we develop offer women culturally immersive experiences and the opportunity to play a role in supporting female entrepreneurs, such as guides, chefs, hoteliers and artisans. We are deeply passionate about improving the livelihoods of women and children around the world.

Femscape Sojourns combines a travel tour company with advocating for women’s equality. In addition to the fact that we primarily work with female owned or run establishments, we also educate our clients about women’s issues in the countries we travel to.

Women are the primary caretakers in most, if not every, country in the world. They face challenges that can be difficult to overcome, such as making a living in cultures where women do not have the chance to attend school beyond the elementary grades and where there are few good paying jobs for women. Many women have the sole responsibility for caring for their children, earning a living and maintaining a household. These women often reside in societies where women are considered of lower status, thus making their challenges all the more difficult to overcome. Many are often forced to face these obstacles alone, with no support from their families. Women in first world countries are often not fully aware of these women’s living conditions and the meager wages that they survive on. That’s where Femscape Sojourns comes in. We have created a company that gives privileged women from around the world a first-hand look and an up close and intimate experience with women in some of the most remote areas of the world. We work to connect women who have substantial capital to enterprising women who are trying to improve their lives and the lives of their children.

We thoroughly enjoy researching lesser-known female communities and individuals in order to base our future trips around meeting them. We believe that by visiting these women and purchasing their products, we help them to earn an income to support themselves and their families, gain equality, more rights, visibility and respect. Whether it’s the women traveling with us, who are empowered by the strength of the local women or whether it’s the local women who feel empowered by their recognition and support from the women traveling with us; the power of women must be seen, heard, celebrated and honored. Together, we can raise the status of women and henceforth improve society.

Femscape Sojourns has consistently devoted our energy to bringing awareness to women and children's living situations in countries around the world. Our goal is to offer the opportunity to all women to become more culturally aware and to give back to women in other communities.